On Truth, Tartaria, and Biblical Timeline Deceptions: Comments and Replies

Aurelia Fox
18 min readSep 18, 2022


Photo by Simone Hutsch on Unsplash

Hello to anyone who might happen upon this writing!

It is mid-September of 2022 and I am amazed to be living at this time. Every day this month seems to be a bit more insane, and I’m more convinced every day that the Bible is the only accurate and reliable source of information available to us! It’s my intention to put some of my rambling thoughts of the past few months into some kind of order, and then just “put it out there.”

I don’t know if any of my observation, wonderings, thoughts, research, and conclusions will be helpful to anyone, but the only way to find out is to share. I’ve been told that I have an ability to process large amounts of information quickly and present it in a way that is understandable. I’ve also been told I’m too cosmic, too focused on details, too broad in my interpretations, too black and white, too all-or-nothing, too naïve, too cynical, too complicated, and too simplistic! Lol. I guess if I’m anything at all… I’m “too” anything!

Today’s rambling-writing is centered around a comment I made on a certain YouTube video, and also includes replies I made to other people’s comments. The video wasn’t that groundbreaking or earthshattering. Neither were my comments or replies. What’s important to me is the new ground explored within my mind… new directions of thought. I’m including said comment and replies below, but mostly I’m writing about Truth, beliefs, and critical thinking skills. I am also hoping to make a case for the solidity of the Bible as a trustworthy resource against which any and all worldviews can be checked for accuracy. I’m no apologist, but I came to believe in Jesus — not just historically but as the only means of eternal Salvation and Union with the Father — through apologetics, so I guess logic is my heart’s language:)

Let’s get to it! I ended up in the YouTube “Timelines” algorithm by way of the (alleged) worldwide Tartarian Empire architecture videos. I really enjoy delving into bizarre narratives, and the more “possible” they seem, the more I enjoy the delving! Tartaria is no exception. Tartaria, and other fringe topics, have been blowing up on YouTube over the past five to seven years, but have reached a crescendo in the past going-on-three years, which is not surprising. I believe we are living through times of confusion and doubt at a level not seen in modern history.

People are looking around and wondering how everything got so weird, many are trying to make sense of the recent nonsense, but our minds are untrained. It’s a time when “rabbit holes” and “red-pills” and “awakening” and “truth seeking” and “conspiracies” are a source of distraction and easy deception. Just as “fact checks” and “systemic racism” and “headline news” and “science” and “social justice” and “climate concerns” are a source of distraction and easy deception.

The “hidden history/timeline deception/historical lies/ancient truths” videos on YouTube are just another way to mentally distract ourselves… and I’ve probably watched more than my fair share! But I’m no expert, as I only briefly entertained my curiosity. Briefly in this case means I spent a solid two weeks on the subject. The main idea getting sold is that the historical narrative (or timeline) we’ve been taught has been altered with, to the point that nothing we have been told can be believed, a conjecture that piggybacks on the evidence of global mudfloods and a “hidden” Tartarian Empire.

And I kinda bought it for a minute. Since my early teens I’ve chased down many ideas, theories, thoughts, and beliefs about “what’s really going on,” and I’m open-minded enough to give each a fair shot. I have often said that I was a born-and-bred conspiracy theorist. I was raised by hippies, both of them spiritually-minded and brilliant; back then they were also anti-establishment. So, information that casts dubious intent on any or all established authorities is not a threat to my worldview, whatever it may currently be! “They’ve lied to us!” is a rallying cry I’m likely to agree with.

I’ve noticed a great deal of overlap in certain communities of interest. Tartaria and a warped historical narrative tend to go hand-in-hand. A third area of overlap with these two topics is flat earth, which I will happily leave for another day. Within each of these communities of interest (flat earth, Tartaria, and the re-writing of history) there may or may not be a Biblical component, but there is always the underlying assumption of mass deception.

The “Timeline Deception” video I’m referencing here specifically focused on the truth of a Biblical timeline, but the video’s author attempted to demonstrate that the time we live in now is Post-Millennial Kingdom (I saw this video in early-to-mid 2022). The reason most of us don’t know that the Millennial Kingdom already happened is because of interference in the narrative… by the “powers that be.”

Following is my comment almost exactly as I wrote it, with a few grammatical edits.

“I am so confused about how anyone who has done Bible study to ANY degree can believe this???! I scrolled down through the comments to find anyone responding from a biblical perspective… I read through about 50, but did not see a single refutation [of this theory] based on Scripture, so that right there says it all. I’m not saying that our history has not been tampered with… I think it has been concealed and manipulated to some degree… Possibly even up to 1000 years. However!… Saying that beautiful architecture is one of the tangible results of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ?! The Creator of the universe reigns with His glorified saints, over a period of 1000 years, and what they did to pass the time was build nice structures???!?!? I’m sorry… I really can appreciate that humanity is absolutely starving for any kind of an answer to the insanity of the world we see around us today. But the tribulation… The time of Jacob’s trouble… The 70th week of Daniel… The day of the Lord… The day of the Lord’s wrath… That time — of which the Bible has eight times as many prophecies spoken of as it does about the promised Messiah — did NOT occur in 70 AD. Please don’t take my word for it… There are many excellent Bible scholars, Bible teachers, right here on YouTube! Look up Chuck Missler (even tho he believed in the globe). Look up Les Feldick. Look up One for Israel. It is absolutely true that believers in Jesus Christ will not live through the tribulation! But please… Think about the life you’ve been living, history you have been given, and realize that if Salvation is to be found in God, then the Bible is the ONLY source of information that we can rely on!!!! If any part of you believes that God is the Almighty who can save, then just by logic alone it makes sense that God is able to preserve his Word — for anyone [and everyone] to be able to believe in! His promises are true, and the only way we can know this for sure is to study His word!! Flat earth, Tortaria, all of this is an interesting distraction but knowing these alternatives will not secure your eternal salvation. Only faith (alone) in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross can impart the righteousness of God. This is not an abstract idea, it is simply literal truth, and the coming Kingdom will be OTHERWORDLY, GLORIOUS, SUPERNATURAL. [And also earthly, delightful, and natural!] God will live among us! It won’t just be some pinnacle of human achievement… Please do not settle for the best that humans could manage… The new Jerusalem, the new heaven and new earth, this is what has been promised and God never fails to deliver! God cannot lie — but Satan is the father of lies. Satan is not the enemy of God… He is the enemy of God’s people! I feel like I am just rambling at this point but the comments I have seen here just break my heart because what God wants us to look forward to is so much more majestic than anything we could imagine based on some pretty impressive ruins.”

So that was my comment on the video itself. I think the main point got across. No one who takes the Bible seriously would be able to agree that “this time of 2022” could possibly be AFTER the Millennial Kingdom. But why would anyone who doesn’t take the Bible seriously want to use it as a “reliable resource” of information?? It’s due to either an incredible lack of logic, or an intentional attempt to cast doubt on God’s Word.

I prefer to assume that the video’s author was not intentionally smearing the Bible. But unfortunately, I see so many examples of people with a smattering of knowledge about the Bible using it in ways that are ridiculous. And furthermore, why would anyone believe in “God,” but not the Bible? If that’s the case, why not concede that “God” can be called Allah or Shiva or Bob or the Universe or the Void or any number of other names?

It follows that if the “God” one believes in is “sorta” like the “God” of the “maybe partially true” Bible, then there’s a big (logical) hole in the belief system that can get filled with the most ridiculous stories.

Typically, when the name of God in invoked, and especially when in conjunction with any information from the Bible itself, there is a very specific Being brought to mind: the Creator of everything that is. The God OF the Bible. Jehovah. Adonai. That God. And belief in God — without belief in the Bible through which we’ve heard of Him — doesn’t sound very informed.

So, how are we humans informed? With information. Makes sense:)

Information = people, experiences, books, news, social media, movies, etc.

Logically, it would seem we have some options regarding how to state the potential truth and reliability of available information.

All earthly information is unreliable, no reliably truthful resources exist.

All earthly information is only partly reliable, no reliably truthful resources exist.

All earthly information is reliable, all resources are reliably truthful.

I suppose these statements can be further refined by substituting any of the following qualifiers: some, most, to an unknown degree, etc. I’m not formally — or informally — trained in logic (probably not a surprising revelation:) but I have a capable mind and I can quickly spot logical holes. I want to utilize the tools available in my human experience to the best of my ability.

Perhaps most people would agree with the following statement:

Some earthly information is reliable, some reliably truthful resources exist.

The problem is that without knowing which resources are reliable, we are left on pretty shaky ground. Who do you believe, and on what basis?

People who love to follow any white rabbit that jumps across their path tend to be certain that the real controllers of the world’s systems have a trio of goals: deception, manipulation, and control. So, if the mystery of the Tartarian Empire is on the History Channel, if mudfloods and timeline deceptions can be looked up and seemingly confirmed with available information, why is that information believable?? Who do you believe, and on what basis? Again, I find it hard to understand how most conspiracy theorists believe they have stumbled upon some true-er form of truth…when their entire worldview hinges on the utter unreliability of information given out by “the powers that be.” Who’s to say that the powers that be aren’t psyop-ing everything?

And, on the other hand, people who follow the mainstream news tend to be certain that those in charge of giving information are mostly truthful and reliable. Who do you believe, and on what basis? People who believe that the government is capable of making changes that can make life better for the governed are placing their hope in the reliability of those in power. People who believe that science is only a process, and can only be used to uncover facts, are putting their faith in the truthfulness and reliability of those who have the special tools and knowledge to “do science.”

I’ll say it again: The problem is that without knowing which resources are reliable, we are left on pretty shaky ground. Who do you believe, and on what basis?

The Bible is the only resource available to mankind that states that its origin is from God Himself, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the author of Time, the Way, Truth, and Life. It’s the only resource available to mankind that promises its reliability has been supernaturally preserved. Based on that assertion, this is what I believe:

All earthly information is suspect and unreliable to some unknown degree. There is only ONE fully truthful, completely reliable resource of information — the God-inspired, God-preserved Holy Bible.

We have God’s promise that He can’t lie. I really like to use if/then arguments. If there is a God, then He would be more powerful than His creation. If He is more powerful, then He would be able to preserve His Word from human interference. That kind of reasoning doesn’t work to everyone’s satisfaction, but if it works for you, then you see where I’m going with this. If information from the world lines up with the Bible, then it is believable, and the resource of that information is potentially reliable. If information from the world doesn’t line up, or goes against the Bible, then it is false, and the resource of that information is potentially unreliable.

Using this method of fact-checking, we can do our own scientific process to determine the reliability of any given worldly resource. We can also do our own scientific process to determine the reliability of the Bible by continually fact-checking it! The Bible has a perfect track record, has never been proven wrong, and has proven itself to be accurate on the secular stage over and over again. It really is that simple and clear to millions of people, and it can be that clear to whosoever is willing to believe.

OK. Enough background info regarding my thought process! Following is a “reply comment” I left on several others’ comments:

“These are indeed the days foretold! We are living in perilous times… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh, who carried the sins of the world unto death, was in the tomb three days, and rose again to prove He is the only Way, Truth, and Life. May anyone with eyes to see that we are living in unprecedented times humble themselves and allow themselves to do exactly what God invited us to do: search the Scriptures, do not harden our hearts against truth, and put God to the test of faith. If you do these things sincerely God will never fail you. He cannot lie, the Bible is the most studied book in all of history, and it’s authentication as supernatural and delivered from outside of our time space reality is beyond any shadow of doubt. The period of time we are living in has been referred to as “the age of grace” and “the time of the Gentiles.” People who come to faith in Jesus Christ — as God in the flesh who took our sins to the cross, died in our place, was in the tomb three days, and rose again — will be RAPTURED (which means we will be caught up to be with Him before the tribulation). And at the end of the tribulation Jesus Christ will return in power and might, there will be a NEW heaven and NEW earth, and Yeshua will sit on the throne of David for 1000 years. That is an absolute promise of God that has yet to be fulfilled on earth. Please… Look up the teachings of Chuck Missler or Les Feldick or Andy Wood. Or anything from Koinonia House! Or Generation 2434!

Jesus gave his promise to never leave or forsake us… It is a lie to say He and the Saints would simply leave the earth after reigning for 1000 years and let Satan run amok… Trusting God means actually believing Him and to believe Him we have to know His heart and once we know His heart we can more easily see through fanciful stories that tickle the imagination but leave the soul anxious. Jesus said do not let your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid, in the world you will have tribulation but fear not for I have overcome the world!

Father God I pray that the CLARITY of your love and truth will shine in the minds of all who would be deceived through lack of knowledge.”

One of those people I replied to responded back to me, about a month later. I won’t include her full response here because I have no idea if that would be legal. I also don’t know if she would still stand by her beliefs. She mentioned she’s been following Jesus for 52 years, had “read the Bible and several times the book of Revelations [sic] and the other prophetic scriptures in the Bible (plus some the accepted extra biblical texts)…” and also mentioned that she’s done an incredible amount of research into the history of every age. She then unequivocally stated that we “are indeed living in the ‘little season’ as mentioned in Rev chapter 20.”

She seemed to have been convinced of three things. One) that the currently-accepted timeline of human history is a complete deception. Two) that we are living in a period during which the 1000 years of Christ’s Kingdom reign has already come, ended, and been subsequently hidden. Three) that all is not lost because we still “have the Bible still and an incredible amount of evidence of the fulfillment of the prophesies, the resurrection of Christ, and the rapture of the church, the work of the saints, the tribulations [sic], the antichrist and false prophet, and the wrath.”


At this point in life, my only “social media” interaction is on YouTube, because I listen to it for hours every day as I work around the house. If it weren’t for YouTube, the only people I would engage with would be my kids, my parents, my four dearest friends, and the students and teachers I see when I work at a local school two days a week. And, of course, I interact with people when I shop for groceries and take care of business out and about in my little corner of the world. But on YouTube I get a broader (albeit algorithmically determined) idea of what’s happening in the world. And I often feel quite sad that humans are so ripe for deception. I’m not judging… I see it, but I also know it’s true from personal experience, because I’ve believed most of the deceptions at some point and to some degree.

I believe that from childhood we have been deeply programmed to “not think” about what we are experiencing. Go to school, get a job, do your best, try to fit in, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, don’t think, stay the course … repeat unto death. And yet, what we have collectively and globally experienced these past almost-three years is so far beyond “normal” that our minds are trying to wake up — attempting to make some sort of sense of the nonsense. But there’s a problem, because a mind that has been programmed within a system can’t become freed by learning any amount or any type of information from within the same system — no matter how accepted, believable, unbelievable, or fringe it may be.

If we want to be freed from the slave programming of the world system, the Way to FREEDOM has already been made by the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus — the Messiah foretold in the Hebrew scriptures, God in the flesh. When the Bible says that Jesus “paid the debt of our sin,” the language used in the original Greek is that of payment for a slave. Jesus paid the purchase price for our souls, that we could be freed from the slave-system of the world (of which Satan is the current deed-holder).

It’s worth considering, is it not? If it were true, then it would be worth finding out. “Cognitive dissonance” is the sudden realization that one’s belief system isn’t built on solid ground. It’s the feeling of a mind grasping for solid ground. Solid ground is TRUTH, and it is my (by now obvious) opinion that there is very little truth to be found within the world system; whatever truth there is to be found within the world has been twisted.

But if TRUTH is desired, TRUTH can be found, because it has been delivered into this dimension from the Creator — in the form of His Word… the Torah… the Tanakh… the Holy Scriptures… the Bible. TRUTH has also come into this dimension in the form of a Man… Jesus Christ!

Everything I’ve attempted to flesh out in writing today is the result of one leg of my journey to truth, and the whole of that journey has led to belief in God. I’m a truth-seeker who has accepted that the only Truth is the triune God described in the Holy Bible, which tells the history of a wayward humanity created in the Father’s image, redeemed by the Son’s sacrifice, and if we believe in and accept His gift of Salvation we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of deliverance. God has told us the truth of what has happened, what can happen now, and what will happen very soon.

I wish I could explain to people that we can be sure of His love, His mercy, His trustworthiness, His order, His might, and His plan. But all I can do is offer my insight based on my perspective, in the hopes that somehow one person might consider that it’s possible to know the Truth. And that’s what I attempted to do in my follow-up reply.

“I sincerely appreciate your response! And I am praising God because if you are a sister in Christ, someday soon we will meet each other in REAL LIFE!

So, about your response. At the very least, I can see how what you say *could* be true… based on the Bible and my life experience/knowledge. I’ve often felt like my entire life has basically been practice in exchanging knowledge and paradigms given through the world for the truth of God’s Word.

And I know completely, fully, to my core… I will not see the Tribulation! I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of church age believers because that promise just leaps off the pages of the Bible. So I agree with you that believing in and knowing Messiah sets us free, completely. I know who I believe to be True and Trustworthy and Almighty. Whatever the timeline, whether this is pre- or post- I have chosen to deny the lies — the deception holds no allure for me anymore because I know I will be forever with my Redeemer at the appointed time.

Yes- every generation must make a free-will decision regarding who to follow/submit to/believe: GOD or Satan/pride/self.

That being said:) it is my understanding that the loosing of Satan at the end of the Millennium will be to lead the rebellion of those born during the Millennium, and ONLY those. In other words, no additional generations would be born to those rebels for Satan to continue to deceive… God’s judgement on the rebels of the Millennium is perfect, swift, and final because those who rebel at that time will have been in a state as close to Eden as could be. I certainly can’t say that, my parents never claimed that, and they never said that their parents said that. And although Christ’s rule and reign during the millennium is unquestionably just, and although all will have had the experience of God‘s earthly provision and peace, the prideful nature of humans is to seek more. Hence, even during the Millennial Kingdom, there will be those who want to be their own gods. The ones who enter into the Millennial Kingdom are all SAVED. All KNOW the goodness, righteousness, and salvation of God. Their children, however, are the ones who will be tempted to strive against God and the rule of Jesus the Christ.”

All of that to say: logically it does not make sense that God would allow the world to carry on with generation after generation after the Millennial Kingdom! That would simply be repeating what had come before, and what clearly devolved into wickedness within one generation — every single time! God is never illogical and certainly never foolish. His perfect and fool-proof plan of redemption appears foolish to those who refuse to submit their minds to His truth and wisdom, but once we have believed on Jesus Christ for Salvation we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, who reveals the plain truth of the scripture and shows us the mind of God. The mind of God is of PERFECTION — which includes ORDER.

I can see — textually, biblically — a case could be made that this present time could be post millennium, only because there is not a time limit stated for Satan’s release. Furthermore, I grant that there are plenty of reasons to doubt ANY historical narrative offered, other than the Bible. But the Holy Spirit within me insists that God would not let the post-kingdom rebellion continue into further generations, not after His ENTIRE plan for the Redemption and Salvation of the human race (from the first Adam to the Last Adam) has been FINISHED and ACCOMPLISHED at the literal endpoint of His masterful timeline!

That is my take on it, but like I said these are crazy times and the world offers any number of vain philosophies and distractions which are, at the least pointless, but more likely wicked. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit and have countless upon countless promises that Jesus will keep us, never lose us, never forsake us, and physically bring us to Him to stay with Him forever! He will wipe every tear from our eyes and there will be no more sorrow or confusion! Maranatha!!”

And that is that! This isn’t my clearest writing, but this is just one teeny tiny example of how people are clearly searching for answers, and how we need to understand that clarity can’t come from deception. I doubt I will put any more time into refuting the “timeline deception” here or elsewhere. I believe there are bigger lies to fry.

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thess 2:9–12)



Aurelia Fox
Aurelia Fox

Written by Aurelia Fox

Believer in God, His Word, and His offer of Salvation in Jesus Christ alone. I think in analogies and narrate my life: what I love, learn, observe, and wonder.

Responses (6)